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New Challenges and Opportunities

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After 4 weeks off training for a planned break I’ve started up my next training block towards WOC 2018, pending selection into the team of course. The first focus is NZ orienteering champs, now just 1 week away! Then Jafa Queens Birthday in June. This block has the potential to be highly successful for some exciting reasons I’ll get into, but it also has the potential to be a complete flop.

Let’s start with the challenges. My ankle impingement problem has not been fixed. I decided to give it more time to see if it would heal itself because I would like to avoid surgery to remove the scar tissue if at all possible. I’m not sure how rational the delay was and I’m mindful that surgery feels a little like accepting defeat. But I’m done with the indecision now, and I’ve just been with the sports doctor to get the ball rolling once again. We agree that the previous therapies have not helped, and that it’s time to bite the bullet. The procedure will remove some of the scar tissue around the front surface of my talus and reduce the bony lump that is also in the mix.

We are looking at a 6-week recovery time for this operation and the current plan is to get this done either as soon as possible or directly after I race in Europe in July. I’m just waiting on ACC for now and I’ll certainly write a piece on all this when this information comes to light.

The huge opportunity I have is that I’m ending my full time employment to pursue my sports full time. This will involve a number of avenues on top of training as seriously as ever, such as experiencing the effects of better rest and recovery on my performance, doing more coaching and connecting with the community in ways that I haven’t yet. This is a journey I personally want to go on, but it has taken the culmination of many factors to bring me to a point where suspending the job I worked so hard to get actually makes sense. I’m still working with my manager to find a responsible time to leave Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, as I’m involved a project I want to see through to the end.

There is a lot more to it behind the scenes; I’m a complex human with all sorts of ideas and desires storming around in my mind and I’m still working out which ones I’ll be pursuing publicly and which ones will just be changes I make privately. I do intend to produce more content through Youtube or podcasting but I’m not sure how these will take shape. This will complement the coaching work I am rolling out though Training Tilt and the online training tools I am developing. Only time will tell what becomes a labour of love and what is worth monetising. Whatever the case, my short term objectives are to be myself and engage with the community more.

Here is the program I am following for now, and this of course will change once I know when I’m having surgery and what races I’ll be doing in Europe in July.

My preliminary program leading up to WOC

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